all postcodes in S13 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S13 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S13 8AA 26 0 53.361163 -1.420822
S13 8AB 36 0 53.361066 -1.421305
S13 8AD 13 1 53.3623 -1.418057
S13 8AE 8 0 53.363262 -1.416256
S13 8AF 39 0 53.363064 -1.418047
S13 8AG 24 0 53.361643 -1.419839
S13 8AH 18 0 53.361215 -1.420356
S13 8AJ 7 0 53.359914 -1.419036
S13 8AL 29 0 53.36373 -1.418248
S13 8AN 41 0 53.364078 -1.417792
S13 8AP 19 0 53.36456 -1.417095
S13 8AQ 6 0 53.361343 -1.415471
S13 8AR 8 0 53.362403 -1.415306
S13 8AS 6 0 53.364714 -1.41559
S13 8AT 16 0 53.36255 -1.415905
S13 8AU 18 0 53.36424 -1.416108
S13 8AW 39 0 53.362853 -1.417163
S13 8AX 33 0 53.361603 -1.418908
S13 8AY 16 0 53.360439 -1.418067
S13 8AZ 32 0 53.361979 -1.41686